Welcome to Slow Living Solutions. We're so excited to get to know you and all about the beautiful life you are on the journey of leading. We don't like to assume anything when we first get to know people, so let's start by considering how you might have come to find Slow Living Solutions.
Our focus is helping people to realign their time, attention, and lifestyle to the values and experiences that they derive the most meaning and happiness from. Our clients come to us because they recognize that time is finite and they don't want to find themselves plagued with the regrets of not spending time on the things they have deemed truly matter to them. There's a lot more societal interest in us living to work than working to live. And even if we manage to do the latter, what does 'living' really look like for you?
At Slow Living Solutions, you aren't expected to come with a clear vision of what you want out of life or out of your time. You just have to come acknowledging that you want something more. Here's how we can help:
First, we have to get a sense for who you are and how your life is structured today using our research-based identity assessment.
Second, we walk you through a structured methodology for defining your core values. Often people know their values, but they've never written them out or truly articulated them so that they can be fully understood by themselves and others.
Third we take a look with you at how you structure your week. Where are you spending the most time? What causes you the most frustration? What tends to fall to the wayside? We work with you to get specific about identifying the challenge(s) that are detracting from your fulfillment.
Once we have a shared understanding of your challenge, we begin working with you on reimaginging 'what could be?'
Finally, we break your vision of a fulfilled life down into a customized roadmap that will navigate you on your journey to living the life that you want.
Sometimes we all have to iterate on our personal roadmaps as the unexpected unfolds. Need someone to coach you along the way? We do that too.
Slow Living Solutions wants you to maintain your autonomy and feel in control of your life. But we don't believe that means you have to go it alone.